TAHA has a total of about 17,588 members, categorized into three groups. Comprehensive members include large producers, exporters and processors of horticultural related products. Allied members include suppliers of agro-inputs and other service providers in the industry including but not limited to development projects, financial and credit providers, consultancy companies, and business development service providers. Associate members include smallholder farmer groups and associations and individuals taking part in horticultural activities. TAHA’s strength is anchored in its wide membership base which has continually expanded across Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.
TAHA operates two complementary divisions, the Development Division and the Commercial Division. The Development Division comprises of the Association (TAHA). It delivers demand driven services to industry stakeholders. The division coordinates and implements all development projects and programs that address various gaps and challenges from smallholders’ level to national industry issues. Through its developmental activities, TAHA provides highly needed strategic leadership to shape the industry and guide investments and contributions in the sector.
TAHA’s commercial division comprises of two independent subsidiary companies, TAHAFRESH Handling Ltd and GREENCERT. Due to the perishable nature of horticultural products, services under commercial division are crucial for stakeholders to successfully compete and access markets inexpensively. Commercial operations also provide financial sustainability to TAHA in addition to strengthening quality and reliability across the industry.
TAHA addresses restrictive policy, legal, and regulatory issues that affect the functioning and competitiveness of horticulture enterprises. This has been TAHA’s core strength as an industry leader through close collaboration with the Government of Tanzania. TAHA works to increase coordination and consolidate efforts including forming strategic partnerships to address sector prevailing issues.
To build access to markets, TAHA establishes partnerships with large-scale up-takers of horticultural products in regional and international markets. Once such partnerships are established, backward linkages for supply are developed with TAHA members, specifically smallholders. Based on TAHA’s experience in the industry in the past decade, strategies that focus on ‘backward linkages’ that build sustainable and profitable market partnerships are more successful at increasing market access and incentives for producers to meet market demands.
TAHA targets to address quality, compliance and productivity challenges among smallholders to meet regional and international market standards. Key efforts are placed on properly guiding farmers to better understand and comply to set standards to ensure food safety, environmental compliance, and traceability. This is done through TAHA’s technical and extension support system. Simultaneously, as the industry continues to advance, TAHA promotes agro-processing investments to increase diversification of products and value addition.
TAHA intends to significantly contribute to improved access to productive resources and finance in the industry through strategic partnerships. The target is to enable farmers and other stakeholders to access resources that will enable their investments in production, processing or trading. Specifically,
Horticultural activities have both positive and negative impacts on the external environment. Environmental issues in the industry are complex and poorly understood and addressed. TAHA focuses on promoting environmental sustainability and climate smart horticulture by addressing four core issues. Soil health, fertility and degradation; appropriate chemical use and disposal; water use and quality; and control of emission of harmful gasses.
TAHA continue to play an important role as an industry leader to drive and achieve industry growth. TAHA estimates an increase in membership as the industry grows and as its operations expand. TAHA intends to strengthen its institutional capacity to facilitate transformation of the industry and deliver its vision and mission.
An economically vibrant, prosperous, and sustainable horticulture industry
TAHA envisions 'an economically vibrant, prosperous, and sustainable horticulture industry' that contributes to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and job creation. TAHA’s vision signifies the potential that the horticulture industry holds in creating jobs, income opportunities, improving nutrition, and contributing to the country’s economy.
Driving inclusive, transformative, competitive and sustainable horticultural growth in Tanzania.
To attain this vision, TAHA's mission will focus on driving inclusive, transformative, competitive and sustainable horticultural growth in Tanzania. TAHA's vision and mission are consistent with the Tanzania Development Vision (TDV) 2025 which targets a strong and competitive economy and high quality livelihoods amongst other key objectives.
Practicing and encouraging open and truthful business dealings with members, suppliers, staff and other stakeholders. TAHA's core focus is on building trust and winning partnerships through this value.
Treating employees, members, suppliers, and stakeholders equally irrespective of position, location, size, gender, religion, or age.
Taking responsibility for individual and organisational actions, decisions and results even in unfavourable circumstances. TAHA will strive to create clear plans and goals and rigorously and honestly measure progress against them.
TAHA's members are central to all its operations. TAHA will strive to meet member's needs and will tailor its operations to timely identify and address them.
Competently deliver operations and results on time and against set standards, targets, and key performance measures.
Promoting and assuring an environmentally sustainable and economically inclusive industry.
TAHA provides developmental services on Policy and Advocacy, Technical support (Agronomy, nutrition, Standards & Food safety and environmental compliance and protection), linkage & access to markets and linkage to financial services for horticultural practitioners across the value chain. In order to complement its development, thrust, assure the sustainability and expansion of its services, TAHA operates three commercial activities, both under the umbrella and purview of the TAHA.
TAHAFRESH Handling Limited Is the biggest Logistics perishable handler in Tanzania, established in 2008 provides industry logistics (air and sea freighting, trucking & consolidation, clearing and forwarding, cargo handling), and is accredited by WCA, IATA, FIATA & TAFFA. The Company boasts of a fleet of 4 owned trucks and 6 hired trucks, has offices in all border posts in Tanzania. TFHL has ability to move cargo over 190 countries worldwide. TFHL services are prioritized for members, but readily available to the entire industry, and beyond agricultural products.
GREENCERT was incorporated on the 4th day of March 2020 as a third-party conformity assessment body for inspection, certification and training services within the framework of different standards systems in major global sectors. GREENCERT through ISO 17065 Accreditation requirement, delivers quality inspection, certification and training services that secures the reputation of the export industry by responding to major non-compliance concerns about safety, health and quality of produce, products and services. It is defined as a standalone, independent, and impartial entity established to deliver accredited certification services for product, personnel and management systems standards.GREENCERT is centered around affordability, reduction of o clients’ risks, performance improvement and innovation to meet the challenges of quality, health & safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
TAHA believes in the spirit of public and private partnership in realizing its vision and mission. The Association actively engages with Government Institutions and Agencies, Development Partners, Private Sector companies and platforms, regional and international bodies to mention but a few in its strategy to promote inclusive industry growth and sustainability. We strategically position ourselves to identify, manage and retain transformative partnerships.